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Holy Family Lenten Retreat

Holy Family Lenten Retreat Saturday March 7, 2020

Start the Lenten season by participating in the Holy Family Lenten Retreat, Saturday March 7, 2020 from 10am to 1pm in the Holy Family Gym. Giovina Caruso of the Mercy Spirituality Center will present a program that will prepare us for the Lenten season. A light luncheon of soup and bread will be served.  There is no charge but preregistration is required.  If you are interested in attending and/or donating bread or soup, please contact Kathy Timerson at the Holy Family Rectory 315-252-9576 ext. 14 or by March 1.

Lenten Study.jpg
March 2

The Last Chapter , A Book Discussion of A Letter to A Suffering Church

March 23

Lenten Bible Study with Fr. John- Cancelled